As promised I will highlight some plans for each show we have this year. I'm going to hold off on Iowa Falls for a little bit. We have a Board of Directors meeting on the 23rd and I'm going to propose some changes for that show - once those are approved I'll let you all know what kind of fun we're going to have!
So...the Waterloo Show...I'm still working on the final touches of the class list but it'll be basically the same as last year. I won't be changing and updating any additional classes this year until the show so if you don't see something you want, just shoot me an email and I can put it in somewhere the day of the show :) We are still planning on another grill out for Saturday night! There was some really good food last year...hopefully we get even more people to come out and hang with us this year!![](
Another change is we will be starting at 8:00am this year. Hopefully by starting just 1 hour earlier we can get everyone home before in gets too late. We know you guys have jobs and this is just a fun hobby so we'll make sure we take take of you guys that way.
As for the classes, I have split some that eventually got split last year. I still left Showmanship as any age, but I ready to split it if someone asks for it. I did have 1 addition from last year though - Ride-a-Buck. How I'm going to do it this year is you will pay your entry fee ($5) and then you will supply your own "buck." All the "bucks" that hit the ground will be a jackpot prize for the winner! Sound good?
As always, we are about fun more than anything else. If you have any other ideas that could make this a better show, just email me - I'm always looking for new ideas! And of course, always check back here for updated info.
Thnks to Jodie Elson for taking some pictures at the show last year! If anyone has any pictures from any show, I'd love to get them! Pictures are a great way help us promote the show and make it better every year! The pictures I have in this post are both Jodie's. Thanks again for the support everybody! See you on June 25-26 in Waterloo!