Hi Everyone!
So I've done A LOT of talking about the Iowa Falls Show so far...it's my new show and we have tons of changes that I think will be awesome, but I need to make sure the info gets out there. One major change form last year is that we have 1 full day of showing devoted to games. Usually our shows have 6-8 game classes at the end but I'm throwing in an ENTIRE DAY of games this year. In this one day we will be offering SIX JACKPOTS!!!! I am working to get some sponsors to make this show even more fun yet. But here's where I'm at with games. I have no gamer connections. None. Does anybody know of any groups of gamers? I have classes split out for young riders, experienced riders, and obviously - the serious, JACKPOT riders. If you have any ideas of individuals or groups that might be interested, please let me know!!!! Email me their contact info or have them contact me at sean.thurm@yahoo.com. I really want them there, and if they are on the fence about it, I want to know how to get them there. That goes for everyone else too by the way! Well, have a great day everyone!